Narrative 118 A Prisoner In her Own Home

Posted by Kent Bayley on 17 January 2014
Queensland Housing and Bureacratic Grid Lock.
Posted in:A Prisoner in Her Own Home  

Narrative 117 Migrant Workers and Population

Posted by Kent Bayley on 16 January 2014
Increasing Australia''s Population is Madness.
Posted in:Migrant Workers and Population  

Narrative 116 Christmas Reflections

Posted by Kent Bayley on 6 December 2013
A Canine Christmas
Posted in:Christmas Reflections  

Narrative 115 One Punch Madness

Posted by Kent Bayley on 29 November 2013
Inadequate Justice and Negligent Law Makers.
Posted in:One Punch Madness  

Narrative 114 Social Engineering and the ADF

Posted by Kent Bayley on 28 November 2013
The ADF has lost the Plot .
Posted in:Social Engineering and the ADF