Narrative 183 An Affair To Remember

Posted by Kent Bayley on 5 June 2015
The Truth Will Prevail
Posted in:An Affair To Remember  

Narrative 182 The Madness of Population Growth

Posted by Kent Bayley on 29 May 2015
Increasing Gold Coast's  Population Makes No Sense.
Posted in:The Madness of Population Growth  

Narrative 181 Kerbside Common Sense

Posted by Kent Bayley on 22 May 2015
Rubbish Can Make Common Sense
Posted in:Kerbside Common Sense  

Narrative 180 The Organic Ms Hanson

Posted by Kent Bayley on 13 May 2015
The Ranga and Anzac Biscuits
Posted in:The Organic Ms Hanson  

Narrative 170 The Power of Social Media

Posted by Kent Bayley on 9 May 2015
The Peoples Voice in a Contemporary World
Posted in:The Power of Social Media