Narrative 173 An Australian Icon on Borrowed Time

Posted by Kent Bayley on 3 March 2015
The Koals Extinction
Posted in:An Australian Icon on Borrowed Time  

Narrative 172 Fear and The War Against Common Sense

Posted by Kent Bayley on 2 March 2015
Living by Fear of the Law and Political Correctness. Acknowledgement to D Stanzer for some of the material.
Posted in:Fear and The War Against Common Sense  

Narrative 171 The Queensland Election Result

Posted by Kent Bayley on 24 February 2015
Arrogant Government.......of Its self, for itself, by itself.
Posted in:The Queensland Election Result  

Narrative 170 Learned Ignorance

Posted by Sentinel on 23 February 2015
The Lesson from Dr Semmelweis about hubris and status.
Posted in:Learned Ignorance  

Narrative 169 Liberty and Freedom

Posted by Kent Bayley on 10 February 2015
Liberty and Freedom are Easily Lost.
Posted in:Liberty and Freedom