Narrative 153 The Bad News

Posted by Kent Bayley on 18 September 2014
Embelishing the News
Posted in:The Bad News  

Narrative 152 Suffer The Little Children

Posted by Kent Bayley on 5 September 2014
The African Tragedy and the Seeds of Destruction
Posted in:Suffer The Little ChildrenThe Little Children  

Narrative 151 The B Rate Actor

Posted by Kent Bayley on 4 September 2014
Of Shakespearean Proportions
Posted in:The B Rate Actor  

Narrative 150 The ABC of Fact Checking

Posted by Kent Bayley on 22 August 2014
The GPS of the ABC has failed.
Posted in:The ABC of Fact Checking  

Narrative 149 Muslim Beheading

Posted by Sentinel on 21 August 2014
To Integrate but not Assimilate 
Posted in:Muslim Beheading